Transport yourself back to the Age of Exploration with our exquisite reproduction of the Carta marina et descriptio septentrionalium terrarum, the majestic 1539 nautical map of Scandinavia.
Crafted by Swedish ecclesiastic Olaus Magnus, this historic masterpiece captures the allure of the Nordic lands with meticulous detail and artistry.
Centered on Scandia, the heart of Sweden, the map also covers the Nordic lands of "Svecia" (Svealand) and "Gothia" (Götaland) (both in Sweden), "Norvegia" (Norway), Dania (Denmark), Islandia (Iceland), Finlandia (Finland), Lituania (Lithuania) and Livonia (Estonia and Latvia).
Its creation took 12 years. In this time, Magnus compiled information from both ancient cartographic sources, including Ptolemy's Geographia, as well as the observations of sailors.
The finished map served both as a navigational tool, and as a work of art and scholarship.
Dive into the world of 16th-century cartography and let the Carta marina adorn your walls with its timeless elegance and geographical intrigue.
Printed with Japanese archival ink on matte Hahnemühle paper in our Copenhagen studio.