Himalaya Flowers
There are approximately 4,000 species of flowering plants in this part of the world, including palms, which are found in the Eastern Himalayas. On the Roof of the World one can find many beautiful plants that have adapted to the climate. This series holds an alluring collection of these ethereal plants.
Prints from this series go well with the Catesby's Botanical and Plants, Pastel Colours series.

Magnolia Campbellii
From €29

Meconopsis Simplicifolia
From €29

Vanda Cathcarti
From €29

Decaisnea Insignis
From €29

Talauma Hodgsoni
From €29

Cyrtosia Lindleyana
From €29

Meconopsis Nepalensis
From €29

Hodgsonia Heteroclita II
From €29

Quercus Lamellosa
From €29

Aeschynanthus Peelii
From €29

Michelia Cathcartii
From €29

Rheum Nobile
From €29

Flower Wreath
From €29

Hodgsonia Heteroclita
From €29

Duabanga Sonneratioides
From €29

Magnolia Campbellii & Rheum Nobile
From €29

Purple flower. Mini Print
From €25

Acorn details. Mini Print
From €25

Yellow flower. Mini Print
From €25

Detail of flower. Mini Print
From €25

Purple flower. Mini Print
From €25

Yellow detail flower. Mini Print
From €25

Yellow flower. Mini Print
From €25

Orange flower. Mini Print
From €25