Poissons (sub. Oceanology)
With an eye and hand for meticulous detail and stunning illustrations, Marcus Elieser Bloch described and classified numerous fish species, contributing significantly to the understanding of aquatic biodiversity during the 18th century. His legacy endures in the annals of natural history and fortunately his publication, Histoire naturelle, has been preserved.
Spotted Dogfish, Char and Toadfish
From €29
Zebrias, Globefish and Diagramma
From €29
Bluefish, Ola-Fish and Pilot fish
From €29
Angelfish, Zingel and Toadfish
From €29
Giant Oarfish and Red Wrasse
From €29
Fish beauties 2.
From €39
Fish beauties 1.
From €39
The Yellow-Fin. Mini Print
From €25
The Rhomboidal Salmon. Mini Print
From €25
The Striped Surmulet. Mini Print
From €25
The Flat-Nose. Mini Print
From €25
The Round Diodon. Mini Print
From €25
The Toothed Gilt-Head. Mini Print
From €25